
Q & A With Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein

Q & A With Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein

Green Party candidate Jill Stein officially announced she is running in the 2016 presidential race on June 22, during an interview on Democracy Now!. She held a campaign kickoff event the following day at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, where antiwar activist Medea Benjamin and racial justice activist Marsha Coleman-Adebayo introduced and endorsed […]

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    4 New Realities Shaping the TPP Debate

    4 New Realities Shaping the TPP Debate

    After first rejecting “fast-track authority” to prevent Congress from amending President Obama’s pending Asian and European trade agreements, 13 Senate Democrats change their votes Thursday. The Senators who flipped had obtained other concessions, on issues like the Export-Import Bank and currency manipulation—but tellingly most of the concessions were promises to let something be voted on, not commitments to pass […]

    6 Reasons Not to Underestimate Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Run

    6 Reasons Not to Underestimate Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Run

    Three weeks ago, a slightly disheveled U.S. senator wandered out to the front lawn of the Capitol Building and declared his campaign for president. Bernie Sanders, an avowed democratic socialist from the small state of Vermont, was in. Some people aren’t taking Bernie Sanders’ campaign seriously, but that’s a mistake. Albert H. Teich / Shutterstock.com […]

    Time to Wake Up: 100 Speeches, 100 Reasons to #ActOnClimate

    Time to Wake Up: 100 Speeches, 100 Reasons to #ActOnClimate

    For the past three years, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island has been doing a weekly speech, “Time to Wake Up” on the Senate floor to urge his fellow members of Congress to take action on climate change. Yesterday’s speech was the 100th such speech in his weekly installment, which started on April 18, 2012. “Opponents […]

    Koch Brothers Claim Another State in War on Renewables

    Koch Brothers Claim Another State in War on Renewables

    Throughout the last two decades state after state has passed renewable energy standards, often with big bipartisan majorities, as investment in technologies like wind and solar held great promise for economic growth and job creation in addition to cutting greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change and decreasing air pollution. The wind industry in Kansas has already […]

    It’s Official: Bernie Sanders Says He’s Running for President

    It’s Official: Bernie Sanders Says He’s Running for President

    [Editor’s note: It’s official, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced Wednesday that he’s running for president of the U.S. in 2016. “I am running for president,” Sanders told The Associated Press. “People should not underestimate me … I’ve run outside of the two-party system, defeating Democrats and Republicans, taking on big-money candidates and, you know, I think the message […]

    Why Fossil Fuels Are Dirty Politics as Well as Dirty Energy

    Why Fossil Fuels Are Dirty Politics as Well as Dirty Energy

    When the Western Energy Alliance in June invited K-Street mugger Richard Berman to advise them on how to deal with public opposition to oil and gas extraction, Berman’s back-alley style can hardly have surprised those who invited him. His tactics and viciousness have been broadly reported in the media, and blasted even by his own son. CBS’s 60 Minutes called him Dr. Evil. […]

    Chevron Spends $3 Million on Local Election to Buy Mayor and City Council

    Chevron Spends $3 Million on Local Election to Buy Mayor and City Council

    The oil giant Chevron is being accused of attempting to buy the city government of Richmond, California. The company has spent more than $3 million to back a slate of pro-Chevron candidates for mayor and city council ahead of Tuesday’s election. According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, Chevron has paid for TV […]