Renewable Energy

Well-Managed Solar Parks Could Boost Pollinators in UK, Study Says

Well-Managed Solar Parks Could Boost Pollinators in UK, Study Says

When combined with green spaces, solar panels can provide more benefits than generating clean energy. According to a new study, led by Lancaster University scientists in collaboration with the University of Reading, well-managed solar parks that feature solar panels and vegetation could boost pollinator populations and biodiversity. The researchers published their findings in the journal […]

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    Humans Could Consume 60% More Natural Resources by 2060: UN Report

    Humans Could Consume 60% More Natural Resources by 2060: UN Report

    The United Nations Environment Programme’s Global Resources Outlook — the flagship report of the UN’s International Resource Panel, due to be published later this month — highlights how the consumption of natural resources globally is set to rise by 60 percent by 2060. Raw materials consumption worldwide is already four times higher than it was […]

    Solar Energy and Battery Storage to Comprise 81% of New Electricity Generation in U.S. for 2024: EIA

    Solar Energy and Battery Storage to Comprise 81% of New Electricity Generation in U.S. for 2024: EIA

    According to a recent analysis by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), solar and battery storage is expected to dominate new electricity generation capacity for this year.  In 2024, there are currently plans to add 62.8 gigawatts of utility-scale electric generating capacity, about 55% higher than the 40.4 gigawatts of capacity added last year. New […]

    USDA Census of Agriculture Shows U.S. Losing Small Farms to Factory Farming, While Gaining in Renewable Energy Use

    USDA Census of Agriculture Shows U.S. Losing Small Farms to Factory Farming, While Gaining in Renewable Energy Use

    The latest Census of Agriculture from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) raises concerns over a loss of small farms and a growth in larger farms, while also showing some promise with the growth of renewable energy implementation in agriculture. The USDA completes a Census of Agriculture every five years to count the nation’s farms […]

    Parisians Vote for Higher Parking Fees for SUVs

    Parisians Vote for Higher Parking Fees for SUVs

    Voters in Paris approved an increase in parking fees for SUVs In a referendum on February 4. Vehicles weighing over 1.6 metric tons will have hourly parking fees tripled as the city seeks to become a more bikeable and pedestrian-friendly. The passed proposal also comes ahead of the 2024 Olympics to be held in Paris. […]