Insights + Opinion

The PR Industry Has Been a ‘Major’ But ‘Overlooked’ Influence in Climate Politics for Decades, Says Study

The PR Industry Has Been a ‘Major’ But ‘Overlooked’ Influence in Climate Politics for Decades, Says Study

By Nick Cunningham From coining “clean coal” to “carbon footprint,” public relations firms have been instrumental in shaping the public discourse around climate and energy policy, and as a new study underlines, their powerful efforts have flown under the radar for too long. PR firms have played a key role in obstructing action on climate […]

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    The Dirty Dozen: Meet America’s Top Climate Villains

    The Dirty Dozen: Meet America’s Top Climate Villains

    By Georgia Wright, Liat Olenick and Amy Westervelt This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. For too long, Americans were fed a false narrative that they should feel individually guilty about the climate crisis. The reality is that only a handful of powerful individuals […]

    Polar Bear Week Is Almost Here

    Polar Bear Week Is Almost Here

    By Geoff York Whenever I’m fortunate enough to travel north, the stress of daily life seems to fall away with each mile as one goes further away from built environments and closer to raw nature. Returning to Churchill, the small community on the shores of Hudson Bay, is no different. Churchill has a slower pace […]

    I Tried Impossible’s New Nuggets, Here’s What I Thought

    I Tried Impossible’s New Nuggets, Here’s What I Thought

    Impossible Foods is now a household name, but most people associate the brand with its famous Impossible Burger. But the company has been hard at work trying to turn plant-based ingredients into more delicious, vegan meat alternatives. The latest development? Chicken nuggets, just like the ones you used to love as a kid. It’s not […]

    Infrastructure for Insects: Congress Should Invest in Bees and Butterflies

    Infrastructure for Insects: Congress Should Invest in Bees and Butterflies

    By Malia Libby The insect world’s version of the ultramarathon is now taking place across the United States. Monarch butterflies have started their journey to the groves where they’ll spend the winter. Monarchs west of the Rocky Mountains have a long trip to the California coast before them, while eastern monarchs have a hefty 3,000-mile […]

    Why Solarpunk Gives Me Hope for the Future

    Why Solarpunk Gives Me Hope for the Future

    When we look out into the murky depths of our future, it’s hard not to despair. The scars of capitalism run ragged through our minds, bodies, and environments. The uncertainty of a world in climate chaos is driving many into a state of apathy. Inaction and status quo politicking is so prevalent among the ruling […]

    Can the Colorado River Sustain More Population Growth?

    Can the Colorado River Sustain More Population Growth?

    News reports about the Colorado River over the last few months have been intense and depressing. The first ever “cuts” in water deliveries out of the river to Arizona and Nevada took hold last week, with more cuts likely coming to more states. The ongoing 20-year drought, with the likelihood that climate change is the […]