Top 7 Best Solar Companies in Arizona (2024 Reviews)

In this guide to Arizona’s best solar companies, we’ll answer your questions including:

  • What are the best solar installation companies in Arizona?
  • How do you save money on solar power in Arizona?
  • What should you look for in a solar company in Arizona?
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Arizona is one of the best states in the country to go solar, with the average homeowner saving over $34,982 on their energy bills – after their system pays for itself. Since the demand for solar panels is so high, there are over 170 solar panel companies working in Arizona for you to choose from.

That makes your decision on a solar company all the more challenging – but we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll be discussing the best solar companies in Arizona, why we’ve chosen each of them and why we think they’re a good candidate for handling your solar project.

What Are the Best Solar Companies in Arizona?

After researching and reviewing dozens of Arizona solar companies, the seven installers below are the ones we believe are the best in the area:

Compare Arizona’s Top-Rated Solar Providers

We’ve assessed these companies and countless others based on many different criteria to make sure we bring you the most useful and up-to-date information possible.

Overall, we suggest SunPower or ADT Solar, but all of these providers have something special to offer that sets them apart from the competition. The table below includes a quick side-by-side look at these providers and how they compare in terms of average cost, warranty coverage and more.

Solar Providers Superlative Our Score Avg Cost ($–$$$$$) Warranty Financing Options Get Quote
SunPower Best National Provider 5/5 $$$$ Minimum of 25 years for equipment, workmanship and production Get Quote
ADT Solar Best Warranty Coverage 4/5 $$$ 25 years for equipment, workmanship and production Cash or solar loan
Tesla Best Technology 4.5/5 $$ 25 years for equipment and performance; 10 years for workmanship Cash, solar loan, solar lease, PPA Get Quote
Elevation Solar Best Customer Service 4/5 $$ 25 years for equipment and performance; 30 years for workmanship Cash or solar loan Get Quote
Solar Optimum Best Customer Service 4/5 $$$$$ 25 years for equipment, production and workmanship Cash, solar loan, solar lease, PPA Get Quote
Sun Valley Solar Solutions Best Local Installer 4.5/5 $$ 25 years for equipment and production; 10 years for workmanship Cash, solar loan or lease Get Quote
Verde Solar Power Most Budget Friendly 4.5/5 $$ 25 years for equipment and production; 10 years for workmanship Cash or solar loan Get Quote
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Tesla Energy

Best Technology

Nationwide Service

EcoWatch rating

Average cost

Read full review


  • Price-match guarantee
  • Sleek, efficient and durable solar panels
  • Best solar battery on the market


  • Some reported issues with customer service
  • Customer service varies by local dealer
Badge icon


Outstanding Regional Installer

EcoWatch rating

Average cost


  • Comprehensive service offerings
  • Outstanding customer service
  • Full-service home energy solutions


  • Limited service area
  • Quality of installation may vary by location
Badge icon

Solar Optimum

Great Customer Service

Regional Service

EcoWatch rating

Average cost


  • Outstanding customer service
  • Comprehensive service offerings
  • Great warranty coverage


  • Limited brands of solar equipment available
  • No leases or PPAs
  • Can be expensive
Badge icon

Sun Valley Solar Solutions

Outstanding Local Installer

Local Service

EcoWatch rating

Average cost


  • Offers products from leading manufacturers
  • Competitive pricing
  • Many financing options
  • Multitude of products and services


  • Relatively short workmanship warranty
Badge icon

Verde Solar Power

Outstanding Local Installer

Local Service

EcoWatch rating

Average cost


  • Multitude of products and services
  • Outstanding customer service
  • Representatives are experts on local policies
  • Competitive pricing


  • Doesn't offer products from some popular brands
  • No leases or PPAs

Watch Below: Does This AZ Homeowner’s Cost Savings Make Solar Worth It?

How to Save Money When Hiring a Solar Company in Arizona

With a cost of about $2.61 per watt, the price of solar panels in Arizona is a little below the average cost to install solar panels in the U.S. After the federal solar tax credit has been applied, homeowners can expect to pay between $9,135 and $18,270 for a 5 kilowatt (kW) to 10 kW solar panel system.

This price may induce some sticker shock — many homeowners are caught off-guard by the total price. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make your total clean energy project more affordable. Let’s explore those below.

Arizona Solar Incentives, Rebates and Tax Credits

The total cost of solar installation is impacted by the energy needs of your home. What do you pay monthly for your electric bill? Your roof configuration, equipment needed and the complexity of the solar installation are just a few factors to consider when you compare free quotes from solar companies.

Look for variation in solar financing. Does the solar company offer solar loans, solar leases or power purchase agreements (PPAs)? Should you pay in full? Here are a few solar incentives and tax exemptions in Arizona that you should be aware of:

Solar Incentive Description
Arizona Residential Solar Energy Tax Credit A state solar tax credit of 25% is available for residential solar systems in Arizona (maximum $1,000 personal income tax reduction).
Energy Equipment Property Tax Exemption Arizona offers a property tax exemption on the added property value from solar.
Solar Equipment Sales Tax Exemption Similar to the property tax exemption, Arizona allows an exemption on the state’s 5.6% sales tax.
Federal Solar Tax Credit The federal solar tax credit of 30% is available for solar energy systems purchased before December 31, 2032. The tax credit is set to decrease to 26% in 2033 and 22% in 2034. It will be phased out entirely by 2035 unless it is renewed.

Controversial policy in the state has all but phased out net metering solar incentives. However, it is still available in certain areas, so we encourage you to check with your local utility company to learn more. It’s also a great opportunity to ask about the impact of net metering on your electricity bill.

Type of Solar Panel

The solar panel type that you choose to install has a large impact on the total cost of your solar system. The more efficient a solar panel is, the more pricey it will be. Regions that experience fewer sunny days require more efficient solar panels that perform better in low-light conditions. Luckily for Arizona, this is not a problem.

Because Arizona gets so much sunshine, homeowners can often get away with more affordable solar panels. This choice can save you thousands of dollars, yet you’ll still benefit from renewable energy and lower energy bills.

types of solar panels offered by the best solar installers in Arizona

System Size

Don’t pay for a solar panel system that’s too big for your needs.

Unlike other states, Arizona does not have net metering available for all its citizens, so excess energy does not freely come back to you as a credit. Instead, take time to review at least one year — if not more — of your monthly energy usage and choose a solar system that will offset your energy costs and not overproduce.

Read Also: Calculate How Much You Can Save By Going Solar

Will Solar Increase Your Home Value in Arizona?

You are guaranteed to see an increase in your property value by installing solar panels. Solar projects may be expensive, but given that the average value increase of an Arizona home sits around $17,030, it is absolutely worth it to install solar in Arizona.3

Homes with solar typically increase in value by about 4.1%, so the amount that your home value increases depends on its current value.4 Even so, the return on your investment (ROI) is excellent in Arizona.

Should Arizona Residents Hire a Professional Solar Installer or DIY?

There is no denying that solar panel installation is expensive, but there are reasons why homeowners should leave the electrical work to professionals. The money you’d save if you install your own panels may seem worth it now, but should something happen to your panels down the line, you’ll probably wish you’d gone with a solar installer.

top solar companies in arizona

Electrical and General Safety

Unless you have extensive electrical or solar installation experience, it is not safe to install your own panels. Even the smallest mistake could lead to more extensive damage and fire hazards, which you do not want to risk for your home and family.

When you hire a professional to install your panels, you can guarantee the panels have been installed correctly according to your area’s building codes and protocols.

Solar Panel Workmanship Warranty

Many solar panel installers offer a separate workmanship warranty that covers any problems with installation. When you install your solar panels yourself, you’ll miss out on this opportunity, which could also save you money in the long run.

If you install your panels yourself, you may get the product warranty and performance guarantee, but even these warranties can be at risk. If you install your panels incorrectly, the manufacturer can claim that poor installation was the reason for the malfunction and may not honor your warranty.

Quality Installation

Quality installation is every bit as important as the quality of the panels themselves. Novice or DIY solar installers may not have the experience, tools nor knowledge necessary to install panels correctly. Poor installation can impact the efficiency of your panels, which in turn can impact the amount of energy your panels produce.

What Should Arizona Residents Look For in a Solar Installer?

Every Arizona homeowner has unique needs for their solar system, but there are some industry standards that you should look for as you research different solar companies. To start, our solar experts recommend you review the following:

  • Warranty
  • Year founded
  • Services offered
  • Brands of solar equipment offered
  • Industry affiliations
  • Size of company
  • Solar pricing and financing


Most solar panel companies in Arizona include a warranty on their products and services, with 25-year warranties being the industry standard of excellence. These high-quality warranties can give some much-needed peace of mind that both the technology and workmanship behind your new solar photovoltaic (PV) system will hold up over the years.

Two types of warranties typically back solar panel installation:

  • Equipment warranties guarantee 10 to 12 years of efficiency.
  • Performance warranties guarantee 90% production for 10 years, then 80% production at 25 years.

The best companies will offer both equipment and performance warranties for 25 years, but not all companies meet this standard. It’s hard to compete with the comprehensive warranties offered by ADT, but every company on our list — except Sun Valley Solar Solutions — does offer a 25-year warranty of some kind.

Year Founded

arizona best solar companies

The year a business was founded speaks to both its reputation and its experience in the solar industry. The popularity of going solar may mean a surge of “fly by night” solar companies that are inexperienced in solar energy system installation. Although these companies can offer a competitive price, your warranty may not be honored should that company go out of business.

Just because a company is older doesn’t mean it’s the best in Arizona, but that company’s experience can speak for itself simply due to the number of solar systems it has installed. Older companies, such as SunPower and Verde Solar, have coveted solar installation experience that you can trust.

Services Offered

Different solar installers will offer slightly different services. Design and installation of solar panels — such as the advanced design studio offered by SunPower — is one thing, but will the company also help install battery storage and an EV charging station for your electric car? Will it provide windows or weatherization to help boost your household’s energy efficiency?

Choose a full-service solar company like ADT Solar whenever possible, unless you can pinpoint your specific needs. Talk with your electric company to further assess your home’s energy needs. You may be surprised to learn that many solar companies, such as Verde Solar, also offer off-grid and electrical services.

Before you hire an Arizona solar company, it’s helpful to ask about the installation process. Though it may seem simple, the process can vary from company to company.

Brands of Solar Equipment Offered

Different solar equipment brands vary in both pros and cons. Looking for the most affordable solar panels or the most efficient solar panels? Ask the representatives from each company and see what each can offer.

If you’re looking for a specific brand, it’s best to first look at a solar company’s product listings. What brands do they offer? Not all companies offer the Tesla Powerwall battery like Sun Valley Solar Solutions, and many companies — like SunPower — only offer their own solar products.

Reputable solar companies will always ask about your needs first and will not try to upsell you. Get a quote from different solar providers in Arizona to see if there’s a trend in recommendations — you can always price check to see which can offer the best deal.

Industry Affiliations

To ensure the solar provider you hire is reputable and reliable, we recommend hiring a company that’s held in high regard within the industry. Specifically, look for a provider with Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) affiliation and North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certification, like the certifications boasted by Sun Valley Solar Solutions.

Size of Company

The size of the solar installation company you choose is as important as the products and services it offers.

We often hear consumers complain that larger companies rely on third-party contractors to install and service their solar energy systems. However, some larger solar companies have an excellent record of service, from installation to system updates and repairs. Always read customer reviews from various sources.

It’s more likely that smaller companies are aware of local renewable energy policies and the nuances in design your system might need. In Arizona, this is especially important due to issues surrounding the dry heat.

Larger companies, however, may find it hard to interpret area-based needs. But, they typically have access to bulk purchasing that a smaller company may not. Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what you need from a solar company.

Solar Pricing and Financing

Not every homeowner has the cash to pay for their entire solar panel system upfront, so make sure to look for companies that offer alternative payment options. The best solar companies in Arizona and throughout the U.S., such as SunPower, offer solar loans, solar leasing and PPAs so that customers from all socioeconomic statuses can afford to go solar.

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Methodology: How We Reviewed the Best Solar Companies in Arizona

We researched and reviewed countless installers that operate in Arizona to make sure we only recommend the best of the best. We assess solar companies based on six different criteria and weigh them based on how important we believe they are to your experience and service in Arizona, specifically. We’ll explain those criteria below.

  • Local reputation and reviews (20%): First, we look at a company’s overall reputation by assessing ratings on Google Reviews, TrustPilot, BBB and more. We also read through customer reviews to get a sense of how satisfied customers are with the company overall and which areas they fall short in, if any. In an area like Arizona, where the high demand for solar is met with hundreds of companies, this is one of the most significant factors we consider.
  • Pricing and financing (20%): Arizonans use more electricity every month than most U.S. residents, which means larger-than-average systems are necessary to offset consumption. That also means higher installation costs. We look at pricing and financing options offered to see how affordable and accessible solar is through each installer.
  • Services offered (20%): Arizonans are generally more concerned with energy efficiency than most Americans because they need to combat high summer temperatures and above-average energy demands. We rank companies higher if they have a number of services available to customize systems to meet energy demands and efficiency expectations. These services include things like battery and EV charger installation, roofing and other efficiency home improvements.
  • Warranty coverage (20%): Solar arrays in Arizona cost close to $7,000 more, on average, than they do in most other states. With a total investment of over $30,000, warranty coverage to protect that investment is crucial. We prioritize companies that have robust production guarantees, in particular, as high efficiency is necessary in Arizona to offset the above-average energy needs.
  • Company experience (10%): We also read through customer reviews to see how customers are treated by each provider throughout and beyond the installation process. Companies get ranked higher if they’re professional and knowledgeable, complete a timely installation and respond positively and quickly to warranty claims.
  • Brand quality (10%): Finally, we check to see which panel brands a provider installs. Panels with a high efficiency will help offset the above-average energy bills in Arizona, and those with a low temperature coefficient are most likely to maintain their expected production even in the hot summer temperatures in Arizona, which often drastically decrease a panel’s production capabilities.

Read More About Going Solar in Arizona


The cost information presented in this article is derived from a comprehensive analysis, incorporating data from multiple industry sources. The average cost per watt per state was calculated based on figures from Consumer Affairs, Energy Sage, and Berkeley Lab’s Electricity Markets & Policy Department. Additionally, monthly energy consumption and the average monthly cost of electricity were sourced from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, ensuring a well-rounded and accurate representation of the information presented.

FAQs: Best Solar Companies in Arizona

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Article author
Based in the Minneapolis area, Alora is an avid writer of both fiction and non-fiction. Alora has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in child, family and school psychology, but she has always had a love for biology and environmental studies. Before joining EcoWatch, Alora spent her days working with children with disabilities and nights as a freelance writer of commercial, blog and technical content. When she is not at the workplace, Alora can be found hiking with her dogs, chasing sunsets with her camera or plotting her next novel.
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Expert reviewer
Tori is an editor, writer, rock climber and travel enthusiast. A native New Yorker, she graduated from the College of Saint Rose with a degree in communications and journalism. Before joining EcoWatch, Tori helped to oversee communication strategies for the City of Philadelphia. Her experience also includes communications work in the nonprofit and academic sectors. A journalist by trade, she started her career covering political, environmental and social issues in New York's Hudson Valley. In her spare time, Tori can be found in the mountains climbing boulders, traveling to new cities or at one of Philadelphia's many music venues.

Comparing authorized solar partners

EcoWatch rating
Average cost
BBB Rating
Year founded
Service Area
Brands of Solar Equipment Offered
Warranty Coverage
  • 4.5
    • Price-match guarantee
    • Sleek, efficient and durable solar panels
    • Best solar battery on the market
    • Some reported issues with customer service
    • Customer service varies by local dealer
    Best Technology

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