Food and Agriculture

Campaign Highlights Importance of Compost to Improve Soil in Your Garden

Campaign Highlights Importance of Compost to Improve Soil in Your Garden

The Million Tomato Compost Campaign is declaring success with its goal to grow a million tomatoes in soil improved with locally produced compost. The campaign, launched last April by the U.S. Composting Council (USCC), sought to boost the soil health of community gardens across the country and produce healthy and fresh food for local food pantries. Tomato plants grow big […]

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    NY School Goes Vegetarian, Student Test Scores Improve

    NY School Goes Vegetarian, Student Test Scores Improve

    A public school in Flushing, NY that was the first in the nation to offer a 100 percent vegetarian lunch menu reported recently that students have improved attendance, test scores and energy in the wake of the change. Students are still allowed to brown-bag, but the overwhelming majority—about 90 percent—of students are choosing the veggie-based cafeteria […]

    Proposed FDA Food Safety Rules Support Factory Farming, Threaten Family Farms

    Proposed FDA Food Safety Rules Support Factory Farming, Threaten Family Farms

    The Cornucopia Institute After years of deliberation in Congress, interagency meetings, lobbyist activity and a never-ending stream of food poisoning outbreaks, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally poised to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). However, according to a just released white paper by The Cornucopia Institute, the FDA’s draft rules are […]

    GE Contamination Found in Washington Alfalfa

    GE Contamination Found in Washington Alfalfa

    Center for Food Safety An export shipment of alfalfa from Washington State was rejected after the shipment tested positive for contamination from genetically engineered (GE), herbicide-resistant alfalfa. The news follows on the heels of yet another contamination episode involving GE wheat in Oregon, highlighting the inadequacy of the U.S. regulatory structure for GE crops. Like […]

    City Slickers Harvest Cash Crop

    City Slickers Harvest Cash Crop

    Environmental Working Group By Chris Campbell and Scott Faber Residents of America’s 54 largest cities collected more than $24 million in Direct Payment farm subsidies in 2012, according to new research by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).  A total of 18,276 city dwellers cashed in on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Direct Payment program, […]

    Connecticut Makes History as First State to Pass GE Food Labeling Law

    Connecticut Makes History as First State to Pass GE Food Labeling Law

    This week, Connecticut won the honor of becoming the first state to pass a law requiring genetically engineered foods to be labeled. (The governor has indicated he will sign.) It was really only a matter of time. The disappointing defeat of Prop 37 last fall in California—thanks to a massive industry disinformation campaign—sparked a national […]