Food and Agriculture

Pollinator-Friendly Solar Installations Can Help Solve Climate and Biodiversity Crises

Pollinator-Friendly Solar Installations Can Help Solve Climate and Biodiversity Crises

Rehabilitated farmland used for solar energy facilities that are planted with native wildflowers and grasses can create lush habitats for insects, birds and bees, a new study has found. The research, conducted by scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory, found that insect numbers tripled in […]

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    How to Get Your Garden Winter-Ready

    How to Get Your Garden Winter-Ready

    Winter is rolling in, and in many zones, our once-prolific tomato and cucumber plants are well past their prime. While the summer growing season is over, gardens still benefit from a little TLC before the snow falls. Here’s how to prepare your garden for the winter to prepare for next year’s harvest.  Mulch The cold-weather […]

    Tropical Forests 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Tropical Forests 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts What Are ‘Tropical Forests’? Tropical forests are rich ecosystems located in tropical zones surrounding the equator. They have a dense upper canopy of broad-leafed trees and an astonishingly diverse array of animal and plant life. These forests pack an enormous amount of biodiversity into the six percent of the planet’s land surface […]

    Adjusting Frozen Food Temperature Could Reduce Carbon Emissions While Improving Food Security, Researchers Say

    Adjusting Frozen Food Temperature Could Reduce Carbon Emissions While Improving Food Security, Researchers Say

    According to a new report, an adjustment of three degrees Celsius to the standard temperature of frozen foods could lead to a yearly reduction in carbon emissions equal to taking 3.8 million automobiles off the road, while still maintaining food product safety, a press release from Cranfield University, which contributed to the research, said. Academia […]

    Impossible Foods Announces Plant-Based Hot Dogs

    Impossible Foods Announces Plant-Based Hot Dogs

    Impossible Foods, Inc., a company known for its plant-based burgers, is adding hot dogs to its lineup starting in 2024. Some New Yorkers will be able to try them this month before they officially hit stores. The plant-based hot dogs will be the company’s first new product of 2024, although the exact date that this […]